
Indebusk manages corporate communication in a holistic way by offering a three-fold service:

• Monitors how your customers interact with digital media. By monitoring this interaction, Indebusk gives you the opportunity to identify the best time to assist your customers during the decision-making process using targeted communication material. 

• Provides analyses of your customers. Through quantitative and qualitative assessments, Indebusk offers the opportunity to identify the best moment to guide customers during the decision-making process using language targeting.

• Tailors and distributes the desired information. Lastly, Indebusk provides targeted distribution. Through a user-friendly interface divided into selected boxes, you can easily enter the information you want to share with your customer, and Indebusk will send it to previously filtered recipients.


NetMedia also offers a ‘profiling-only’ service. Building a relationship with your clients means communicating consistently about what is important to them. Through daily sentiment analysis and activity reports, we define your clients’ preferences and divide them into target groups accordingly. This will allow you to choose the most appropriate information to be sent to each one of them.

Among the major companies that use our services, the creation of personalised content and suggestions according to users’ specific interests has increased email openings and clicks up to 300%, and conversions up to 400%.


Our services are also available for management of the communication material distribution. NetMedia improves the deliverability of the information sent, thereby offering a performing service for companies that handle the distribution of information on a massive scale. 

Our system enables you to send millions of personalised emails per hour, eliminating the risk of them being blocked by anti-spam filters.